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Discord Server Roles Guide

 - What is Cilvilian Role ? 

Civilian  This role is given by default to new members who have not been identified Yet, They members cant request skins until get loyal of the server role.


What is Loyal of the server Role ? And How To get it ?

 ( Known as "Verified Member")

This role is given to members Active in chat on the server, or have been identified by the Admins, or who have stayed on the server for a long time (like 15 or 30 days). 
How to get it fast : Stay active on the server, or Introduce yourself

Loyal Of The Server Can request 2 skins Every two weeks


What is Epic Member Role ? And How To get it ?

( Known as " One of the best Server members " )

You can get and hold or this role for the following reasons :

if you are a Great active member on the server and and you offer help, and you joined the server from long time ago 
-You are an content creator who has already been identified by admins
- if Aymen.2002 knows you as good frined
- or if you support us on gtainside

Epic Member can request GTA 5 skins For Free, Unlimited skins requests, and can ask for Private request.


What Golden Member Role ? And How To get it ?

This role is for the best members ever, its Given to members who donate to the team, or have great content creator, or just admins love this member.
It is difficult to get this role easily
How to get it : Prove that.


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